Make a Donation

Support our Scholarships

Honor the service and sacrifice of the officers who served under George Washington and in the French armed services in the American Revolution by supporting the families of today’s commissioned officers. Your donation will help send a qualified military daughter to college.

The Daughters is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible as provided by law.

Funding the Scholarships

The Daughters of the Cincinnati have contributed to the scholarship fund for over a century. The fund has seen recessions and depressions, great and small, but the Daughters have continued to support the scholarships generously, as have family foundations, Daughters’ employers, as well as scholarship graduates and their parents. However, the fund cannot keep up with rising tuition costs without donations.

In March 2013, the Daughters of the Cincinnati launched the successful Military Stars Campaign to raise funds for the continuation of its mission and to better meet the financial needs of its scholarship applicants.

The Daughters of the Cincinnati is a 501(c)(3) charity.  Individuals and foundations may contribute any amount as well as appreciated stock to the Scholarship Fund.


“I’m very grateful for the support I received from the Daughters,” writes Kathryn Powell, daughter of a retired lieutenant colonel in the Army and a 2013 graduate of Rice University. “Your scholarship allowed me to go to a school where I was able to pursue my passion in astrophysics. I wouldn’t be where I am today without your help.”

Kathryn is now a PhD candidate in earth and planetary sciences at Washington University in St. Louis.

In addition to sending a check directly to the Daughters, contributions can be made in several ways:

Make a bequest in your will

Make us a beneficiary of your retirement plan or insurance policy

Donate cash or appreciated securities

Arrange a matching donation through your employer

For more information about how to make a gift, please call us (212) 991-9945, email, or write Daughters of the Cincinnati, 271 Madison Avenue, #1408, New York, NY 10016.

The Daughters is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible as provided by law.